Planets & Directions

Planets & Directions

In vedic astrology, nine planets are considered to guide the destiny of a person. In Vaastu Shastra these same nine planets are considered to be ruling over different directions. All the nine planets have a direction assigned to itself and it rules over that direction.

Below table indicates directions assigned to each of the planets

PlanetRuling Direction
JupiterNorth -East
VenusSouth -East
RahuSouth -West
KetuNorth -East

The nine planets give their characteristics to the direction they rule over. The brightest and most powerful of all Sun signifies learning, health, opportunities in life, creativity, progress, eyes, father, heart and cardiac problems. If the east direction of a dwelling is afflicted then a corresponding affliction will definitely take place in some or all the significations for which Sun stands for. Look around and examine those houses which do not have an opening in the east or a window or door in the east or those which have been built with no open land in the east. One is more likely to find poor life style, cardiac problems to the head of the family, poor academic performance of the children and general health problems to the residents of a house whose east direction is afflicted.

Plots having water body or a river flowing in the North-west direction is very auspicious. Similarly plots or houses having significations of Rahu (Moon’s enemy) like dust-bin or toilets in North-West direction tend to suffer from symptoms of weak moon which includes tension, anxiety, liquidity crunch, etc.

The South direction is ruled by Mars. Mars signifies fights, war and very high energy. Hence people tend to avoid South entry homes anticipating negativity and fights at home.

Similarly, North direction is ruled by planet Mercury. Mercury signifies business, finances, intelligence, lady of the house and prosperity. A north direction ground level or the built-up area higher than the corresponding south direction features will result in affliction of North direction. Residents of such house or plot suffer from business problems and losses.

Jupiter rules over the North-East area. The ideal method to reap rich results of Jupiter is to keep your Mandir (small Pooja room) in the north direction. People having Toilets or Dust-bins (Rahu significations) in the North-East direction tend to suffer from poor luck, poverty, diseases, etc. as Rahu is Jupiter’s enemy.

Venus rules over South -East direction. People wanting to excel in the field of art or creativity should ensure their South-East direction is not afflicted. One can keep perfumes or Musical instruments (Venus Significators) in the South -East directions to reap good effects of Venus.

Saturn rules the South direction. Saturn is enemy of Moon. One should refrain from keeping water bodies in the South direction. People suffering from depression are more likely to have water bodies in their South direction of their dwelling places. This causes union of Moon (significator of Water) and Saturn (South Direction) forming Vish Yoga.  

Rahu rules the South-West direction. Rahu is treated as Mallechh (Foreigner) in vedic astrology. We can see that maximum residents from Kerala tend to migrate to foreign countries as Kerala falls in the South West direction.

Ketu rules over North -East direction. Ketu represents renunciation in vedic astrology, it also represents religion. Thus we observe that countries in the North-East region like Tibet are very religious and depict all the attributes of Ketu. For the residents to enjoy beneficial influences of all the nine planets, it is necessary that all the four directions and the four corners of the plot of land should be in place, none missing due to a depression. If any corner of a plot is extended then it results in a corresponding depression in some other directions.

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