Author: Jignesh Ajit Ganatra

छिपकली और भविष्य में होने वाली घटनाओं के बारे में संकेत

छिपकली भी भविष्य में होने वाली कई घटनाओं के बारे में संकेत करती है। इसका वर्णन शकुन शास्त्र में मिलता है। तो जानिए छिपकली से जुड़े शकुन और अपशकुनों के बारे में । मरी {…}

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Rahu and Ketu-the Shadowy Planets

Rahu and Ketu are called shadowy planets by our ancients. They are not substantial heavenly bodies with an observable body shape or mass like the Sun, Moon and other planets. Hindu mythology has in {…}

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Saturn-The God Yama

Saturn is called ‘Sanaischara’ as it moves along the Zodiac leisurely and more slowly than other planets. He is the outermost planet amongst the planets recognised by Hindu Astrology. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter {…}

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Venus-The Lover

Venus is much closer to the Sun than the Earth. The size of Venus is similar to that of the Earth. Venus has a diameter of 7,600 miles. Venus can never be more than {…}

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Jupiter-The Harbinger of Fortune

Jupiter the mighty planet is called a giant of the solar system. It has a diameter of 88,000 miles. Jupiter takes a little less than twelve years to go once round the Sun. Mythologically, {…}

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Mercury-The Messenger of Gods

Amongst all the planets Mercury is nearest to Sun. It revolves round the Sun in 88 days. Its diameter is nearly 3,200 miles. Mythologically Mercury was known as Thoth, Hermes and “The Messenger of {…}

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Mars-The Brother and Courage

Mars is one of the outer planets. It is nearer to the Earth than any of the other outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn etc. Mars is smaller than Earth and its diameter is around {…}

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Moon-the Mother and Mind

Moon is the planet nearest to the Earth. It is the only planet in the solar system which revolves round the Earth. The Sun is the generator of power whereas Moon is conductor of {…}

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Sun-The Father and Life Giver

Sun is the king of the solar kingdom. He is also called the ‘Father of Stars’. Sun is about 93 million miles away from the Earth. He is the largest amongst the planets. His {…}

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Methods of Prediction

There are many methods in astrology for comprehending events and predicting the future. Today I will be discussing those methods. (i) Transits: This is the most common in practice. Predictions are made depending on {…}

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