Addiction Problem…? Do this Remedy!

Addiction Problem…? Do this Remedy!

Addiction is commonly associated with substance abuse. One can see many people in the society addicted to alcohol or tobacco or even drugs. Many of them realize that this will lead to long term diseases and want to quit but don’t know how. Sometimes addiction is also a behavioral problem like gambling.

Astrologically speaking, Mercury which rules your intellect is under the ill influence of Rahu and the native gets addicted. Rahu is treated as the Elephant which can be controlled by a tamer known as Mahaut which is Mars. Mars and Saturn conjunction in a chart makes Rahu a benefic planet. So, one has to take the help of Mars and Saturn to overcome the habit of substance abuse.

The remedy is simple. One has to take Batasha (Sugar Candy), crush it with hand into pieces and add few drops of Mustard Oil to this. Here Batasha represents Mars and Mustard Oil represents Saturn. Mix the two together and drop it at a place where you expect the ants would eat it. Ants and all types of insects represents Rahu. Do this remedy for 10 consecutive days and you will develop the will power required to quit addiction. Friends, do share your experiences with above remedy in the comment box below. Thank You.


Mustard Oil:

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