Toilet in North-East Direction…. Check out your chart before you relocate it!

Toilet in North-East Direction…. Check out your chart before you relocate it!

Many of the Vaastu expert advice people with their Toilets in North -East direction to break it and relocate it to some other direction. But Toilets in North -East direction are not always bad. I agree that North East direction is a wrong placement of toilets. Rahu represents Toilets. Anytime out of ignorance if you break your toilet and relocate it to North-East direction then one can see drastic results as gross as continuous deaths in family, accidents and even life-threatening diseases. Same is true if someone with a well-placed Rahu in his or her birth chart, re-locates Toilet from North-East direction to some other direction.

One has to check his or her birth chart. If Rahu is well placed in the chart say in 3rd house or 6th house. Or even when Rahu is aspected by Mars as Mars aspect pacifies Rahu. Even when Rahu is conjunct with Moon or Moon is well placed in 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 12th house then regardless of the direction of Toilet there will be no Vaastu Dosh. It is perfectly alright for such people whichever direction their Toilet is. Here head of the family who runs the house, his or her birth chart is to be checked.

But people with Rahu poorly placed in their birth chart are advised to relocate their toilets from North East direction. People with poorly placed Rahu, I mean Rahu in 7th, 8th, 9th or 11th house. If such people do not wish to relocate their toilet, they can perform simple remedies of Rahu like drop Blue flowers in the flush tank of Toilet (Due credit is given for all the remedies discussed here to the powerful book Lal Kitab). Even dropping sugar near garbage bins is a very good remedy to pacify Rahu. As garbage represents Rahu and feeding the insects near garbage bin pacifies Rahu. People suffering from critical illness in hospitals are advised to donate some money and sweets to the toilet cleaning staff of the hospitals. This remedy would give phenomenal improvement in their health conditions. Offering sweets to people staying in mental asylums also purifies Rahu in your birth chart. Another good remedy for people with poor Rahu in their birth chart is that they should clean toilets of religious places like temples, churches, etc. at least once in a week.

Hope this was useful!

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