Predict the Question as well as the Answer

Predict the Question as well as the Answer

A person walks into your office. Even before he opens his mouth you can tell what this person will ask and you can answer with astrology.

Amazed ….???

Yes, this is ABSOLUTELY possible! The credit goes to Ratan Kotamraju. This method is called RKP -Ratan Kotamraju Paddhati. You do not require date of birth, time of birth or place of birth of the person. You don’t even need any particular computer or software. Also, you don’t need any Ephemeris or Panchang. Your wrist watch or any time depicting device is more than sufficient. The 12 numbers in the clock are the 12 ascendants or Lagna. One has to follow the minute hand only. The time that person walked into your office and sat before you just note the time. Say it was evening 17:17 hours. Where is the minute hand at this time? Between 3 & 4, correct. It has left 3 and approaching towards 4. So, make 4 as the Lagna or first house or ascendant. And then, plot the planets as per the prevailing transits.

Again, plotting the planet is also very easy. We all know Saturn takes 2.5 years, Jupiter takes 1 year, Rahu & Ketu take 1.5 years. Hence it is easy to remember and plot them in their Rashis. Thus Saturn & Jupiter are now in Capricorn and Rahu is in Taurus and Ketu is in Scorpio. Again, Sun remain for 30 days in a single rashi. Mercury takes 14 to 30 days in a rashi depending upon its motion. Currently Sun is in Capricorn and Mercury is in Aquarius. Mars remains 45 days in a single rashi, currently Mars is in Aries. Venus takes 23 to 60 days in a single rashi depending on its motion. Currently Venus is in Sagittarius. Now, Moon is the only tricky part as it changes rashi every 2.5 days, now Moon is in Gemini. After plotting the planets as per current transit and keeping Cancer in the first house, the chart looks like this:

Now, comes the interpretation part. Since the rising sign is Cancer the person’s question has to do with his or her mother or relating to happiness or related to travel as Cancer sign represents all these. If he or she says he or she is worried about his or her mother’s health (She may be hospitalized) as ruler of Cancer -Moon is in the 12th house the house of hospitalization. Tell him or her that he or she has placed some white object (white represents moon) in the south east direction of his or her house as south east direction represents 12th house of your birth chart. Remove that object from that place and her mother would become alright.

OR -He or she would have travel related question as Moon represents travel -whether I would get my Visa. Straight away say Yes -You would get your Visa. Why because Moon the significator of travel is placed in 12th house which indicates overseas travel.

Friends, hope you enjoyed. This method is 100% accurate. In case of any doubts, please feel free to post it below in the comments section. You can even share your experiences after applying above principle in the comments section below.

Jay Shri Ram!

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