Jupiter Meets Saturn…Celestial Marvel after 800 Years

Jupiter Meets Saturn…Celestial Marvel after 800 Years

Come 21st December 2020 and the world would witness the most interesting marvel in the cosmos. Jupiter has entered the sign of Capricorn on 20th November 2020 where Saturn is already posited. On 21st December 2020 Jupiter will come too very close to Saturn almost within 0.1 degrees of each other.

You might be wondering what is so special about this event. Every 20 years we get to see this union. Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit around the Sun and Saturn takes 30 years to orbit around the Sun. Thus, every year Saturn completes 12 degrees of its orbit around the Sun (360 Degrees/30 Years) and Jupiter completes 30 degrees of its orbit around the Sun (360 Degrees/12 Years). Therefore, in one year, Jupiter closes the gap between itself and Saturn by 18 degrees (30-12=18 degrees) taking it 20 long years for the union (360 degrees/18 degrees).

This year, this union is very special because they are coming so close within 0.1 degrees of each other only after 800 years. They were this close last time on 4th March 1226. These two planets will overlap each other giving the illusion of “Double Planet” effect.

In Vedic astrology, whenever two planets are within 10 degrees of each other such conjunction is called Graha Yudh or Planetary War. This time the planetary war is happening between the two behemoths in the sign of Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn. As you guessed it right, Saturn will emerge victorious in the war for two reasons. One, Capricorn is the house of Saturn which gives it upper hand and two, Jupiter is particularly weak or debilitated in Capricorn. So, the next question, how do we interpret this victory and what would be the repercussion on our day-to-day life. To understand this, we need to understand what Saturn and Jupiter represents. Jupiter represents luck, expansion, growth, healing, prosperity, good fortunes and miracles. Saturn represents something very old, rigid and traditional ideas, slowness, restrictions, disciplines, hard work, service, structure, sufferings, setbacks, disappointments and diseases. Hence people who were reaping rewards with very little efforts purely based on their luck will see the tide turning now. They will have to put in long efforts at work before they see the rewards. People always planning for growth and expansion will have to remain satisfied with measured and slow success in life. People suffering with long chronic diseases will have to endure it. People having steep rise in career will experience setbacks.

This conjunction is also called Dharam-Karam yoga as Jupiter represents Dharma (Religion) and Saturn represents Karma (Work). Thus, people spending long hours doing spiritual activities will have to start putting in efforts at the work front and not just rely on blessings and fortune.

The effect of this union will be more pronounced on those people who have this conjunction in their birth chart or those born in 1940, 1960, 1980, or 2000 as these are the years when both Saturn and Jupiter were conjunct. This period will mark the beginning of new chapter in life. To give examples, people born in these years, will see shifting of their residence, work place and other sudden changes. The specifics would be known after getting into the details of each horoscope like how close degree-wise are they in your birth chart, which sign are they posited in, are they getting any benefic aspect of strong Moon, Venus or Mercury, rulership of houses under Saturn and Jupiter. The effects would be particularly bad for those having this combination in their birth chart and the conjunction is getting malefic aspects of Mars, Rahu or Ketu and also Saturn and Jupiter are owning malefic houses like the 6th, 8th and 12th house.

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Good knowledge on it
Could you help on specific birth date
17.02.72 time 8.02 am Mumbai male