Depression -A Deadly Mental Disease

Depression -A Deadly Mental Disease

Depression is a mood disorder which makes a person feel sad, lonely and dejected. The best of the prosperous and successful people have ended their life the unnatural way which is Suicide. Before we venture into the astrological reasons why people take such gross step let us understand what is the state of mind of the person who does suicide.

If I may state each of us have some unfulfilled desires which we try to complete in our dreams. That vacation which we crave for, that luxury car for which we toil like a donkey, that mansion which we want badly, that relationship which eludes us in our real life. Dreams are the answer to all your unfulfilled desires. One who has not eaten whole day because it was some festival and he or she has observed fast. That particular night he or she would visit the best of the restaurants and gorge on to sumptuous food in his or her dreams. We do virtually all activities in our dreams. If I may extend the state of a person who is dreaming with the state very similar to the state of the person who is committing suicide. He or she does not realize that he or she is drinking poison or hanging self onto the noose or jumping off a high rise building as everything appears to be a dream. It is only when the suicide attempt fails, he or she realizes how stupid they have acted. At times, the soul immediately after death repents badly as the body which was the only means of accomplishing the unfulfilled desires has gone.

So, we realize that the person is in a dreamy state or in a state of hallucination. Thus, two important planets which play role here is Moon and Rahu. Moon is your mind and Rahu is a magician which creates hallucination. Another planet which plays a role here is Mercury which is your intellect. Whenever Moon is ill placed in a person’s birth chart like placed in the 8th house or any other house with the previous and subsequent house empty (this is one of the conditions of Kemadrum Yoga) or aspected by malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu. Even when Moon has the lordship of 8th house and is making relationship with lagna or lagna lord, these situations of suicidal tendencies occur.

Again, a weak Rahu aspecting Moon or making relationship with Mercury in a person’s birth chart leads to depression and mental disorders. Lagna (which means ascendant) or Lagna lord ill placed getting malefic aspects, hemmed between malefic planets or poorly placed in birth chart results into this state of depression and sometimes even suicide.

There are many beautiful remedies suggested by Lal Kitab which can take care of this poor mental state. One can soak fennel seeds (Souf) in water for 4 to 6 hours in water and mix that water in bathing water. Taking bath with this water brings lot of positivity and peaceful state of mind. Rahu is the Elephant and Mars is the Mahout (Care take of Elephant). Thus, Mars is the only planet which can control Rahu. Another remedy is that the person should mix Potassium Permanganate in bathing water and take bath with it. One more remedy is to fill a glass bottle with Barley (called Jou in Hindi) and close the bottle with a red lid. Barley represents Rahu and Red lid represents Mars. Keep this bottle in a dark place with no sunlight for 40 days. After 40 days, empty the bottle in flowing water or river. This gives very good result for mental disorders and brings peace of mind. Another simple remedy is to simply wear silver bracelet in your right hand.

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