Sparks in Married Life …Keep Parrots & Nightingale (Bulbul) as Your Pets

Sparks in Married Life …Keep Parrots & Nightingale (Bulbul) as Your Pets

Whenever a person has Sun and Venus conjunct in their birth chart, it is likely that they may have troubles in their marriage life. Let us understand this better. Sun is Ego and Venus is relationship. When Ego enters any relationship then that relationship is bound to fail. Sun and Venus conjunction spoils Rahu in your chart and thereafter even your mind which is Mercury gets spoiled.

Again, Saturn and Sun conjunct in 5th/7th or 10th house also creates problems at work place. This is because Saturn represents work. Person tends to become egoistic at work place and starts behaving wrongly with his or her colleagues. Same is applicable when there is a relationship formed between Mars and Mercury. Mars represents anger and aggression. Mercury represents speech and intellect. Such people tend to use foul language and are extremely short -tempered.

Excellent remedy to tackle this problem as per Lal Kitab is to keep green Parrots and Nightingales as your pets at home. One has to take good care of these birds. Especially one has to ensure that the bird sings at home or imitate you. If you notice Mercury is the child which easily gets influenced or imitates the planet with which it makes relationship either by union, aspect or Rashi Parivartan. This will strengthen your Mercury and consequently improve your Rahu.

The house may be very prosperous but there is no happiness amongst family members. There are too many quarrels in the family. People having these problems can adopt this remedy.

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