Saturn Placement -Past Life Pending Karma

Saturn Placement -Past Life Pending Karma

Today’s topic is very interesting as it is on the most unbiased and unprejudiced planet, the one with rings around, Yes, you guessed it right…Saturn! He is popularly known as Karm Kaarak and Nyay Murthi.

In Vedic astrology the planet Saturn is called Shani. In Sanskrit, Shani word comes from Sanishchara, which means, “slow mover”. Here Saturn indicates the ascetic, rich with inner spirituality, and lost to this material plane of existence. Saturn is a malefic planet. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Capricorn (Makar) and Aquarius (Kumbha). Saturn is exalted in Libra (Tula), and weak in the sign of Aries (Mesh).

Saturn is a karaka, or indicator, of longevity, misery, sorrow, old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibility, delays, ambition, leadership and authority, humility, integrity, wisdom born of experience. Saturn also indicates asceticism, denial, non-attachment, spirituality, hard work, organization, reality and time itself. Saturn’s most successful place in the chart is in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses. He is particularly beneficial planet for Taurus and Libra Ascendants. Saturn’s nature is Vata or Airy. His gem is Blue Sapphire and all black stones and his metal is Lead. Saturn’s direction is west and his day is Saturday. He reaches full maturity at age of 36. As per vedic wisdom Saturn is the son of the Sun, born to his shadow wife, Chaya. Saturn is lame because one of the Sun’s first wife Sanjana’s child was angry with him and struck him in the foot. Thus, Saturn walks with a limp, which accounts why he is the slowest of the Planets.

People suffering from Shani Sade-Saati which means Saturn is transiting a house before the natal chart placement of native’s Moon, over the house of natal chart placement of native’s Moon or a house after the natal chart placement of native’s Moon are advised to do Shani remedy. Also, those having Kantak Shani in their birth chart meaning Saturn placed 4th 7th, 8th or 10th from birth Moon sign in the natal chart are advised to do Saturn remedy. One of the most effective remedy for Saturn is to chant at least one Mala (108 beads) of Shani Mantra. For ease of reference, Saturn Mantra with pronunciation and meaning is given below.

ऊँ नीलांजनसमाभासं रविपुत्रं यमाग्रजम्‌।छायामार्तण्डसम्भूतं तं नमामि शनैश्चरम्‌।।

Om nilanjanasamabhasam raviputram yamagrajam |
Chayamartandasambhutam tam namami shanaischaram ||

I bow down to Lord Shani Dev who is effulgent as that of a blue mountain. He is the son of Lord Surya (sun god) and leader of austerity. He is born to Chaya and Martanda (another name of sun god).

Chaya devi was the mother of Shani Dev. When Shani Dev was in the womb of Chaya Devi, she undertook severe penance and austerities in propitiating the blessings of Lord Shiva. The power of her penance created strong vibrations positively impacting the boy child in her womb. Therefore, Shani Dev was very powerful and devoted to Lord Shiva right from his birth. The dark complexion of Shani resulted from the scorching heat of sun that was over the head of Chaya Devi as she was engaged in penance with the child inside her womb.

Shani Dev never troubles people needlessly. Nothing comes to us that we do not deserve. None can escape the clutches of karmic cycle meaning what we do comes back to us some time. Therefore, it is not proper to condemn Shani Dev for what we suffer. When we repent for our past bad deeds and desire to correct ourselves, Shani Dev is highly pleased and blesses us.

Saturn represents Construction. Wherever Saturn is placed that house represents the native’s pending karma of that particular house. If someone has Saturn in the first house then it means he has ignored his self in the past life and has to repay past karmic life debt towards himself or herself. The remedy is he or she should buy at least one house for himself or herself and think about himself or herself. Person with Saturn in second house has past karmic debt pending towards his or her family. He should focus on taking care of his or her family and feeding the poor, construction of community kitchen as second house represents family, food and nourishment. Person with Saturn in 3rd house should dig a well or canal to take care of drinking water needs of people. In these times, it is difficult to construct a well or canal so a person with 3rd house Shani should construct drinking water tanks (Pyayu) at public places. People with Saturn in 4th house would be responsible and helpful to others for making their property and home. Such person should help their near and dear ones in creating their home.

Person with Saturn in 5th house should donate money in constructing temples or school. Person with Saturn in 6th house should donate money in constructing hospitals. Person with Saturn in 7th house should donate money in construction of Marriage Halls, Community Halls. If such person is owning marriage or community halls, he should offer the hall at discounted prices to the poor. People with Saturn in 8th house should donate money for construction in crematorium or donate some money there as 8th house represents death.

People with Saturn in 9th house should donate money at Guru Aashram or donate money for some deserving student’s higher education. Person with Saturn in 10th house should grow plants or grass on barren land. Person with Saturn in 11th house should help people in setting up a shop or creating means of livelihood. Like for example, if a person with Saturn in 11th house owning a school might have small stationery shops outside the school thus other people are getting livelihood because of such person with Saturn in 11th house. Such person should not disturb such small shops and help them to grow. People with Saturn in 12th house should construct Dharmashalas (cottage for tourist stay) at pilgrimage places or donate some money for constructing such Dharmashalas.

These are the pending past life karmas which are depicted in your birth chart with the placement of Saturn. Once you perform these remedies you would see considerable change in your lifestyle. Again, the specific remedy would change according to the sign and nakshatra in which Saturn is placed. Above description only speaks about houses in your birth chart. Please consult an astrologer for customized remedy suiting more specific to your birth chart. One may even consider wearing Certified Natural Blue Sapphire under guidance from an astrologer.

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