Rajnikant born to Jijabai and Ramoji Rao Gaikwad, a Maharashtrian couple living in Bangalore was named Shivaji Rao Gaikwad. He was working as a bus conductor before he made it big in film industry. Rajnikant made his debut in Tamil film industry with Balachandar’s Apoorva Raagangal, which also starred Kamal Haasan and Srividya. Rajnikant’s big commercial success was Billa, a remake of the 1978 Amitabh -Bachchan Starrer -DON. T Rama Rao’s Andha Kanoon was Rajnikant’s first Bollywood film. In 1988, Rajnikant made an appearance in the English action-adventure Bloodstone. So, what made a person with humble background into the heart throb of millions? Let us look at his birth chart.
For success in show business or film industry the most important house is the 5th hose which is the house of art and creativity. The most important planet for name and fame in film industry is Venus which is also the lord of 10th house of business and profession here. As we can see that Venus is placed in 5th house in the august company of her friend Mercury who has the lord ship of 2nd and 11th house. Thus, his name and fame also got him wealth, riches and gains which is signified by 2nd and 11th house. Another important factor is the strength of Lagnesh or the lord of first house. Sun is ruling the first house and is strongly placed in Kendra in the 4th house.
Another important factor, lord of 9th house which is the lord of luck, Mars is exalted in the sign of Capricorn in the 6th house of competition. Mars is also the Yoga karaka planet here as it rules both a Kendra (4th house) and Trikon (9th house) house. This made him extremely luck and also he could win over competition.
In this chart, there is Mala Shri Parivartan yoga between 2nd, 5th and 7th house. Lord of 2nd house Mercury is in 5th house, lord of 5th house Jupiter is in 7th house and lord of 7th house Saturn is in 2nd house completing the Garland (Mala). Thus planets in 2nd, 5th and 7th house get connected with each other and move within these houses. Thus, Mercury although in 5th house is also to be considered in 2nd as well as 7th house. Jupiter although in 7th house is also to be considered in 2nd as well as 5th house. Saturn although in 2nd house is also to be considered in 5th as well as 7th house. Thus, all these three planets have the luxury of moving in these three houses viz. 2nd, 5th and 7th house. Both Saturn which is the natural Karma Kaarak and Venus which is lord of 10th house the house of profession, get the impact of Jupiter, Mercury and Ketu through this Mala Shri Parivartan yoga.
Someone may jump to conclusion that all the planets are on one side of Rahu and Ketu thus forming Kaal-Sarp Dosha. But one has to check the strength of depositors of Rahu and Ketu to understand the result of this planetary position. Jupiter which is the depositor of Rahu (owner of 8th house) is well placed in Kendra in 7th house, though 7th house is not a comfortable house for Jupiter. This discomfort for Jupiter gets mitigated due to Parivartan yoga between 2nd, 5th and 7th house. Depositor of Ketu (lord of 2nd house) Mercury is well placed in 5th house in the company of his friend Venus. Thus, this position of Rahu and Ketu is Kaal Sarpa Yoga and Not Kaal Sarpa Dosha.
Tags: Rajnikant, Vedic Astrology