Property and Vehicles Purchase Yoga -Know from Loshu Grid

Property and Vehicles Purchase Yoga -Know from Loshu Grid

Loshu Grid

Given the popularity of my post on “Prediction made easy…Laxmi Ganesh Yantra [Loshu Grid]” (Most read article), presenting to all my curious souls yet another article on Loshu Grid. Through this method you can predict at what age would be the activation of Yoga for purchase of property and vehicle.

For those of you who are new to Loshu Grid. There is something called as Driver Number and Conductor number. What you need is just the date of birth. For example, take an example as 4th Sep 2010 which is 04-09-2010. In this example Driver number is sum of just the date which is 4 (0+4) and conductor number is sum of all the digits in your date of birth which is 7 (0+4+0+9+2+0+1+0).

[A] Sum of Years = 2+0+1+0 =3

[B] Sum of Driver Number + Conductor Number = 4+7=13

[C] Just the Date + [A] + [B] = 4+3+13 =20

Now there are certain numbers which indicate House/Property and Vehicles

Numbers signifying Property =2, 8, 9

Numbers signifying Vehicles =2, 6, 7, 8

Now the probable dates for activation of Property and Vehicle purchase yoga is by adding the significator numbers to the result of [C]

Property Purchase Yoga = At the age of:

20 +2 = 22 Years


20 +8 = 28 Years


20 +9 = 29 Years

Vehicle Purchase Yoga = At the age of:

20 +2 = 22 Years


20 +6 =26 Years


20 +7=27 Years


20 +8 = 28 Years

Comments and questions are welcome, please post them below in the comments box. Also those wanting to know more about Loshu Grid can read my previous article. Link give below.

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