Mars Maketh a Man

Mars Maketh a Man

Mars is the fiery planet which is also known as Bhoomi Putra which means son of Mother Earth. Mars represents energy and life force in a person. It rules over blood and blood vessels. A well-placed Mars would bestow riches on a native and give him or her ownership over huge tracks of land. People with strong Mars would benefit by investing in shares of company which are related to real estate. On the other hand, an ill placed Mars in birth chart can make a person dacoit even a cold-blooded murderer if in the company of malefic or aspected by malefics. The results of Mars in a birth chart will depend upon the nakshatra in which it is placed, the company of planet it keeps, the house in which it is posited, the sign or Rashi in which it is placed and also the aspect it receives. It would also depend on the placement of Mars in other divisional charts, most importantly the Navamsha chart.

If Mars is conjunct with Sun or Ketu (both are fire balls) then depending on the house where this conjunction is forming the native will experience its results. If formed in 10th house then he can be a fire fighter or working in a forging industry, military or even a chef working constantly near ovens as 10th house is the house of profession and job. If this conjunction is forming in the Lagna (first house) itself then he or she would be extremely short tempered. Another trait would be the person tends to become bald as too many hot planets in the Lagna makes the person loose hair.

Mars combined with Mercury makes a person an adept businessman if this combination gets an aspect of benefic Jupiter. This is because Mars represents machines and Mercury represents business. It even makes a person a good writer known for critical writings if forming in Gemini or Virgo sign. As mercury also represents writing skills.

Mars combined with Moon makes a person good engineer as Mars is Engineering and Moon is mind. Such people are very good at imagining the nuances of building and construction and executing the plans. This is more prominent if forming in Saturn signs (Capricorn and Aquarius) as Saturn represents construction.

Mars combined with Jupiter makes a person highly religious to an extent of becoming a non-believer in other religions. It gives a lot of passion in pursuing religious activities and rituals. Mars combined with Venus results in high chances of love marriage as Venus is love and Mars is aggression. Mars combined with Saturn is a classic combination seen in many industrialist’s birth chart. As Mars is technical acumen and Saturn represents business. Mars combined with Rahu if aspected with other malefics makes the native a crook and thug as all the energy of Mars gets contaminated due to the company of Rahu. If forming in 12th house then it also indicates native may suffer imprisonment.

Now, the million-dollar question arises, how do we know if Mars is a Hero or a Villain in birth chart. It is very simple, if you are very short tempered, quarrels end up with fist fights and you have a bad tongue often makes you repent at what you spoke, then definitely Mars is afflicted in your birth chart. Else, worry not, you have a real constructive Mars in your birth chart can be seen from another angle. Astrologically also it is very easy to find the state of Mars. Ketu is a bitter enemy of Mars. If Ketu is conjunct with Mars (Angarak dosha) or Ketu is occupying the natural houses of Mars which are 1st house, 3rd house and 8th house or Ketu is occupying the 4th house where Mars is debilitated or Ketu is occupying the 10th house where Mars is exalted then your Mars is weak.

In Lal-Kitab terminology, it is described as Mangal Nek (Good Mars) and Mangal Badh (Bad Mars). Mangal Badh results in death of three planets -Mercury, Venus and Ketu. This is quite obvious. A person with Mangal Badh will definitely have a loose tongue (read abusive). It is said that a man without a smiling face should never open a shop. A person with Mangal Badh tends to suffer with work or business (Mercury gets damaged). The relationship with spouse gets spoilt (Venus gets damaged). Often children of Mangal Badh person tend to misunderstand him or her (Ketu gets damaged -Ketu represents children in astrology).

Remedies of Mangal Badh is very simple -have control over your speech. Address everyone as “Prabhuji”, this itself will evoke a feeling of respect towards the opposite person and the native will refrain from anger and fights. Another remedy is to chant Hanuman Chalisa every day. Also offering sweets at Lord Hanuman’s temple every Tuesday or Saturday helps.

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