Elon Musk -Panch Mahapurush Raj Yoga

Elon Musk -Panch Mahapurush Raj Yoga


Elon Musk doesn’t need an introduction. He is considered to be the most influential personality on planet Earth. He is not only the designer and founder of Space X but is also a co-founder of Tesla Inc. People started appreciating his talent right from his childhood days. At the young age of 12 years, he exhibited all the traits of an entrepreneur. He made a video game called Blastar and sold it for good USD 500 Remember, I am talking about 1983 when USD 500 was quite a significant amount for a youngster to earn. As a kid he was so quiet that his parents thought he was deaf. He had read the Encyclopedia Britannica by the age of Nine. To date Musk is the founder of Eight companies -Zip2, Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyperloop, Open AI, Neuralink and The Boring Company. In 2018, Musk sent a Tesla Sports car into the space. Below chart of Tesla’s Turnover speaks about his phenomenal success.

Now let’s peep into his chart to check out what made him so very successful. As I always say Lord of ascendant which is the first house also called Lagnesh is most important. Here ascendant has Pisces sign and its lord Jupiter is sitting in the 9th house of luck in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio indicates research. Thus, this person is way too lucky and also research oriented. Also, Jupiter is aspecting the lagna with its 5th aspect, giving him good luck. Here Jupiter is retrograde. Thus, it is also considered in 8th house and from 8th house, it is aspecting Mercury with its 9th aspect. Thus, this person is very successful in business as Mercury the significator of business is getting benefic aspect of Jupiter.

Elon Musk has three of the five Mahapurush Yogas. Ruchak Yoga as Mars is exalted in Capricorn, Bhadra Yoga as Mercury is in its own sign Gemini and Malavyya Yoga as Venus is in its own sign Taurus.

Mercury in the 4th house which is kendra house is in its own sign Gemini is forming Bhadra Raj Yoga. We all know that Mercury is the significator of mind, intelligence, business and knowledge and sharpness of brain. Thus, the native is blessed with all these qualities. Again, aspect of Mercury on the 10th house of business and profession makes him as astute businessman.

Mars is exalted and is very strong in this chart in the sign of Capricorn. This is causing Ruchak Mahapurush Yoga. Mars is aspecting Moon with its 8th aspect, thus giving its qualities of aggression, passion and strength to his mind. Mars also represents engineering thus we can see that Elon is excellent with it.

Venus is in its own house of Taurus forming Malavyya Yoga. Again, if we observe Venus is conjunct with Saturn which represents work. Thus, Elon’s work is related to luxury as Venus is luxury and his work is also giving him fame as Venus also represents fame.

Hope you liked the analysis. Comments and queries are welcome!

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