Education Yogas -Bhavarth Ratnakar

Education Yogas -Bhavarth Ratnakar

  1. Venus or Mercury in 4th house makes the native proficient in music and astrology respectively.
  2. If Rahu conjoins either Sun or Mercury in 5 th house, the native becomes an expert in astrology and dealing with poisons.
  3. A Sun -Mercury combination in 2nd house makes one a good astrologer. If this combination is aspected by Saturn, the native becomes a mathematician.
  4. Sun and Mars in 2nd house makes one a logician. Saturn, Mercury and Sun in 5th house makes  the native  an expert in philosophy.
  5. A Sun -Mercury combine in either a quadrant, trine or 11th house makes one a mathematician. Venus in 2nd house makes one a poet.
  6. Rahu in 4th house confers long life to the mother. If in 5th house the native becomes an expert in understanding inner meanings of things.
  7. Jupiter in 2nd, especially when that happens to be either Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer, makes one an expert in the Vedas.
  8. It’s fortunate to have Jupiter and the 2nd lord associated in a quadrant or trine house.
  9. The presence of Moon and Mars in 2nd house makes one a priest.
  10. Saturn in the 2nd house makes one vindictive and a fool.