All Planets will Dance to your Tune …Just Read this Book

All Planets will Dance to your Tune …Just Read this Book

Hello Friends,

Someone was asking me the other day, if there can be a single remedy for all nine planets. The answer is a BIG Yes. This remedy is a proven one with wonderful results. This remedy will give you most important thing which no amount of money can buy which is mental peace. Once you achieve mental peace then material happiness will follow. Or so to say one becomes indifferent towards material happiness as you have tasted the nectar which give you eternal bliss.

After completing his incarnation work, Lord Rama was about to leave this earth for Vishnulok. He called Lord Hanuman and asked him to join. Lord Hanuman asked if Lord Rama will be there is Vishnulok. To this, Lord Rama replied, in Vishnulok there will only be Lord Vishnu and not Lord Rama. Pat came the reply from Lord Hanuman. Lord Hanuman said, he would prefer to stay back on Earth meditating upon Lord Rama and would reach wherever the Holy book Ramayana is read.

Thus, by reading Ramayana, one is pleasing Lord Rama as well as Lord Hanuman. Lord Hanuman is the deity of Saturn and Mars. Lord Vishnu is the deity of Jupiter and Mercury. Again, Lord Shiva is an ardent devotee of Lord Ram and loves to listen to Ramayana. Lord Shiva is the deity of Sun. Lord Ganesha, son of Lord Shiva is the deity of Ketu. Maa Durga (wife of Lord Shiva) is the deity of Venus, Moon and Rahu.

Thus, we see that just by reading Ramayana regularly all the nine planets are appeased. One can read Ramayana of any author whether Valmiki or Tulsidas. What is important is the devotion one brings while reading Ramayana and the consistency and regularity with which one reads Ramayana. This is a very simple solution one can follow which involves no cost but guaranteed to give you results.

Jai Shree Ram

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