Lal Kitab -Timing of Event -Dasha System

Lal Kitab -Timing of Event -Dasha System

There are many Dashas systems in astrology to predict the timing of events. In Parashari school of thought we use Vimshottari Dasha, in Jaimini school of thought we use Chara Dasha to predict timing of events. In Lal Kitab there are two methods. One is 35 Years’ time cycle based on planets and another is 36 Years’ time cycle based on houses.

35 Years’ time cycle in Lal Kitab is based on planets. Pandit Roop Chand Joshi has divided duration of planet which can be termed as Maha Dasha, further into 3 sub-durations known as Antar Dasha. Each planet’s duration and the duration of Antar Dasha is mentioned in the table below. If you add the years of each of the Mahadasha planets below it will sum upto 35 years.

MahadashaAntar Dasha
Planet and durationStarting Middle of the periodEnding period
Jupiter – 6 yearsKetu – 2 yearsJupiter – 2 yearsSun – 2 years
Sun – 2 yearsSun – 8 monthsMoon – 8 monthsMars – 8 months
Moon – 1 yearJupiter – 4 monthsSun – 4 monthsMoon – 4 months
Venus – 3 yearsMars – 1 yearVenus – 1 yearMercury – 1 year
Mars – 6 yearsMars – 2 yearsSaturn – 2 yearsVenus – 2 years
Mercury – 2 yearsMoon – 8 monthsMars – 8 monthsJupiter – 8 months
Saturn – 6 yearsRahu – 2 yearsMercury – 2 yearsSaturn – 2 years
Rahu – 6 yearsMars – 2 yearsKetu – 2 yearsRahu – 2 years
Ketu – 3 years Saturn – 1 yearRahu – 1 yearKetu – 1 year

All the 9 planets of Mahadasha are allotted rulership in 24 hours. A person’s birth time decides which Mahadasha kicks in from his or her birth. After 35 years get over, dasha re-starts in the same above sequence order. An inimical planet placed in a malefic house would give difficult time during its Mahadasha and no remedy would work. In fact, if any astrologer advises any remedy then he or she may suffer and also the remedy would be of no effect. Remedies always work for bhav chakra cycle which is the 36 years cycle.

PlanetRulership Time
Jupiter6 am to 8am
Sun8am to 10am
Moon10am to 11am
Mars11am to 1pm
Venus1pm to 4pm
Mercury4pm to 6pm
Rahu6pm to 8pm
Saturn8pm to 4am
Ketu4am to 6am

Below is the 36 Years’ time cycle of Lal Kitab based on houses. The house in your birth chart would get activated as per below time period of your age. If there are malefic planets in a particular house or the house is damaged then the native would suffer from the ill -effects which can be rectified by doing the remedy for the particular planet which rules that house. Sun rules 1st house, Moon rules 4th house, Mars rules 3rd house, Mercury & Venus rules 7th house, Jupiter rules 9th house, Saturn rules 10th house, Rahu rules 6th house and Ketu rules 12th house. After 35 years get over, then the same sequence is to be followed. Say for example a native with age 38 years would be running the dasha of first house.

The timing of event can be easily predicted using above technique. For example, if some one wants to know when he or she would get job promotion, then whenever the house where the 10th lord is sitting he or she would get job change when that particular house time period starts. Someone wants to know timing of Marriage, one has to check where the 7th lord is sitting. The time period during the activation of that house, person would get married.

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