Sade Saati – 7 and ½ Years of Saturn Transit Time

Sade Saati – 7 and ½ Years of Saturn Transit Time

Sade Saati which literally means seven and half years’ time period is the most dreaded term as perceived by people. Every person experiences twice or thrice Saade Sati in his or her life time depending on his or her longevity. This is because Saturn comes back to a particular sign every 30 years. Whenever Saturn is transiting through 12th house, 1st house or 2nd house of your Moon Lagna the time period is called Sade Saati. Each time period across this 3 houses of Moon Lagna is of two and half years and is called Dahiya. Typically, the first Sade Saati comes in a native’s life time when he or she is very young and effects his or her close relatives like parents, grandparents, etc. in terms of their health. Second Sade Saati effects the native’s personal life in terms of his or her health, career, finances, marriage, etc. Third Sade Saati effects the health, family life, career, etc. of the native’s grandchildren.

 1st Cycle -1st Dahiya or 2 and ½ years

This is the time period where Saturn destroys the ego of the person. Whatever the person is proud about like name, fame, power, wealth, etc. that particular thing will be destroyed by Saturn. Saturn transiting 12th from the moon will give you huge expenses as Saturn aspects through its 3rd aspect the house of wealth. This may even lead to diseases, hospitalization, overseas travel, etc. as 12th house signifies these factors. This may even make the native an ascetic or a hermit (Saadhu) only if the birth chart promises this yoga. This period may even bring increased debts and enemies as Saturn directly aspects the 6th hose of debt and enemies. This period is also difficult for the native’s father and teachers as Saturn aspects the 9th house with its 10th aspect.

2nd Cycle -2nd Dahiya or 2 and ½ years

This is the time period when Saturn test you and teaches you. Saturn would create all sorts of difficult situations for you and check your reaction patterns to the same. How are you handling adversity? What is your response to not so good periods in your life? Things may not work your way then what is your reaction? Saturn is a very strict Teacher and he is also good at noting your reactions and assigning you grades depending on your performance. This time period is particularly bad for your siblings as Saturn aspects the 3rd house of siblings and as it is transiting through your house where Moon is placed it may even give the native a feeling of dejection and disappointment. This period may even bring marital discord as Saturn directly aspect the 7th house which is the house of relationship. This period also brings turbulence in the native’s work life as Saturn is aspecting the 10th house which is the house of profession.

3rd Cycle -3rd Dahiya or 2 and ½ years

This is the time period where Saturn gives rewards or punishments depending on how good you have fared in the examination and learning lessons which Saturn taught you in its 2nd cycle. Depending upon your reactions to the adversities posed by Saturn during its 2nd cycle the native would get rewards or punishments in the 3rd Cycle. This cycle is difficult for the native’s mother as Saturn aspects the fourth house of Mother. This cycle is also inimical to the in-laws as Saturn with its direct 7th aspect looks at the 8th house which is the house of in-laws. This cycle may not be very promising from earnings point of view as Saturn looks at the 11th house of gains with its 10th aspect.

The above is just a general description of average experiences which one can expect. The severity of the issues faced by the native will depend upon how good or bad his or her birth chart is. Some people experience absolutely no turbulence even during the Sade Saati period. This is because they have planets well placed in their birth chart and Sade Saati would be the period where they actually experience improvement in their fortunes.

Remedies to be done during Sade Saati period

  1. Touch your parent’s feet in the morning and massage their feet at night.
  2. Be humble
  3. Respect poor people and servants working for you.
  4. Keep your shoe rack in order
  5. Maintain cleanliness at home.
  6. Plant a Peepal Tree (Botanical Name: Ficus Religiosa, Sanskrit Name: Ashwattha अश्वत्थ) near a temple and water it regularly.
  7. Karma Yoga -Perform Karmas without expecting any return like blood donation. This is selflessness and keep it to you. Don’t tell anyone.
  8. Feed poor people and take care of them.
  9. Adopt organized and disciplined life style. Avoid lethargy.
  10. Meditate at least for 15 minutes in a day. Wake up early and offer water to Sun.
  11. Don’t take loans.
  12. Below is the most effective remedy of Saturn (people running their Sade Sati are advised to follow):
    • Take seven leaves of Peepal Tree (Botanical Name: Ficus Religiosa, Sanskrit Name: Ashwattha अश्वत्थ)
    • Using Red Sandal paste write “Shree Ram” on each leaf.
    • Using Red Cotton Thread also known as “Kalava” tie the end of all seven leaves to form a garland.
    • On Saturday offer this garland to Lord Hanuman
    • Shree Ram written on leaves should be visible to other people.
    • Important Precaution: Length of Garland should be above the belly of Lord Hanuman
    • Do it for 7 days every Saturday for effective results. This must be in the hora (time period) of Saturn. First hour after sunrise on Saturdays is the hora of Saturn.

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