Vipareet Raj Yoga…Blessing in Disguise!

Vipareet Raj Yoga…Blessing in Disguise!

Today I will be discussing about a different type of Raj Yoga known as Vipareet Raj Yoga. Now, let us see what do we mean by this term. Vipareet means Opposite. A person having this yoga in his or her birth chart tends to benefit from adverse situation or conditions in life. Just when he or she feels that everything is over he or she is completely ruined, life would take a complete U turn and things would become better all of a sudden. This exactly is called Vipareet Raj Yoga. So, the bad part is such person does encounter such precarious situation in his or her life and the good part is the person comes out or overcomes such difficult times successfully.

This yoga occurs when the lords of Trik houses or Dusthanas which is the 6th, 8th and 12th houses (these houses are considered bad houses or Dusthanas) are situated in 6th, 8th and 12th houses. If the lord of 6th house is situated in 6th, 8th or 12th house then it is called Harsha Raj Yoga. If the lord of 8th house is situated in 6th, 8th or 12th house then it is called Saral Raj Yoga. If the lord of 12th house is situated in 6th, 8th or 12th house then it is called Vimal Raj Yoga. One most important condition is such planet which is the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th house should be afflicted, either conjunct with enemy planet or getting aspect of malefic planets.

If you look at Amitabh Bachan’s birth chart (shown above), the lord of 8th house Mercury is situated in 8th house itself. Eighth house is the house of Pain, Death and Transformation. If you observe in the above chart lord of 8th house Mercury at 23⁰ is hemmed between two natural malefics Mars at 22⁰ and Sun at 24⁰. During the Mahadasha of Saturn, Antar Dasha of Moon and Pratyantar Dasha of Mars he met with a fatal accident. On that day of July 24, 1982 a major accident took place.

Reportedly, Amitabh Bachchan was to take a punch from his co-actor Puneet Issar, and fall on the table first and then on the floor, as part of the sequence. However, he ended up landing abruptly on an iron table with the edge hitting his lower abdominal part, causing internal injury and bleeding. In an instant and intense pain, a bleeding Bachchan reportedly staggered out of the set and moved to the lawns of Bangalore University, where the film was being shot. Reports suggest that at first, the crew and directors Prayag Raj and Manmohan Desai thought he was faking it to prank the crew. After realizing the truth, they immediately made arrangements to shift him from Bangalore to Mumbai for medical assistance.

Reports further add that the doctors performed surgeries immediately but, even with the emergency splenectomy, the actor remained close to death. It was also reported that fans thronged temples offering to sacrifice limbs in exchange for their hero’s recovery. Mr. Bachchan resumed shooting Coolie in January 1983. The film released on November 14, 1983, and earned good numbers at the box office. 

Thus, this near-death experience brought a great transformation in his career. As 8th house is the house of death and transformation. It being a Vipareet Raj yoga no wonder he had to endure pain but thereafter he came victorious out of it. Now many of you would be wondering why it happened during the Mahadasha of Saturn, Antar Dasha of Moon and Pratyantar Dasha of Mars. One thing which you should note is that the effect of dasha ruling planets manifest as per the Nakshatra in which they are located. Saturn is in the Nakshatra of Rohini ruled by Moon which rules the 6th house of diseases, Moon is in Swati Nakshatra ruled by Rahu [Rahu is placed in Markesh 7th Bhava] and Mars is in Hasta Nakshatra again ruled by Moon which owns the 6th house of diseases. Thus this near death event happened during Saturn-Moon-Mars Dasha.

Hope you enjoyed the post and learnt about this unique Raj Yoga. If you have any questions place them below in comments section.

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