Remedies for Weak Sun in your Natal Chart

Remedies for Weak Sun in your Natal Chart

Signs of weak Sun:

  1. Weak physique and too many illnesses
  2. Dull and lethargic nature
  3. Poor will power, impatient attitude and no decision-making power.
  4. No self-respect and no self-confidence. Always feels nervous.
  5. Lack of ambition and false pride.
  6. Poor relationship with father or loss of father at young age.
  7. Poor relationship with bosses and no recognition at work place.
  8. No success or status in life.
  9. Court cases or disciplinary action by authorities in life.
  10. Phobia of fire
  11. Habit of blaming others for unsuccessful things in life.
  12. Blood related illness like Leukemia, blood pressure.

Remedies for weak Sun:

  1. Try to do more physical work especially at the time of sunrise
  2. Consume Iron, Vitamin D, Protein and Calcium rich food.
  3. Reduce eating fast food, salt, and spicy food
  4. Don’t drink water less or more than required. Consume water at optimum level.
  5. Consume Jaggery, Cinnamon and Honey in your diet
  6. Don’t shirk responsibilities.
  7. Complete each and every work you start.
  8. Try to improve relationship with father
  9. Try to maintain good relationship with managers, bosses, etc.
  10. Abide with all laws and avoid tax evasion
  11. Offer water in copper vessel to Sun.
  12. Chant at least 3 times Aditya Hridhay Stotram every morning.
  13. Every Sunday donate Jaggery, Wheat or Red Lentil (Laal Masoor Dal) to the poor every Sunday.

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